Panama City is much more than just a beach town in Central America. it’s one of the most beautiful and exciting cities in all of Latin America! Whether you’ve traveled here before or you’re planning your first trip, here are the best reasons to visit Panama City, Panama!

It’s So Safe

There’s no question that tourism in Panama has really exploded over recent years. More and more travelers are choosing Panama as their destination of choice. And that’s why we love it so much here. There are countless things to do when you visit but probably one of our favorite things is how safe and friendly our city is. You don’t have to worry about crime while visiting our beautiful country.

No Language Barrier

Anyone who’s visited a foreign country knows how much extra hassle it can be to travel when you don’t speak any of that country’s native language. In Panama—as well as many other countries in Latin America—English is spoken by most locals, especially those in touristy areas. That means you won’t have to worry about communication issues, whether it’s during your daily walk through town or while at a five-star resort.

Panama City is Affordable

Okay, so it’s not exactly paradise on Earth. But you can expect your visit to be affordable. For such a large city (it’s in Central America!), Panama is surprisingly inexpensive. Most of what you need in terms of transportation and accommodations will be pretty cheap. Especially compared with other popular destinations in Latin America. What else could you do with that extra cash? Invest it or save it! And who knows? You might even have some left over when your trip is done.

Authentic Latin American Culture

The original land bridge connecting North and South America thousands of years ago led right through modern-day Panama. As a result, much of Panamanian culture is influenced by its Spanish heritage, including delicious Latin food and warm hospitality. If you’re looking for authentic Latin culture on your next vacation in Panama City, you won’t find a better place to be than Casco Viejo—the historic district that represents over 600 years of local history and crafts.

Hot Weather All Year Round

With an average high of 86°F and a low of 75°F, you’ll be able to hit up all of your favorite beach activities year-round in Panama. We recommend avoiding rainy season (Dec-April) as it can get a bit more humid and sticky. When you visit during other times of year, though, be sure to take advantage! The beaches are beautiful and practically empty during these months.